There is a story here,
A man so bold,
Something of a cavalier.
Liked a challenge,
Had no fear.
This is how it’s told.

Riding in the woods one day
He spied a maid, lovely to behold,
And approaching her did say,
“Good lady, take my hand,
I mean you no disgrace”.
This is how it’s told.

His courtship was untutored,
But his chivalry took hold.
And what he lacked
In natural grace,
Was made up in a kindly face.
This is how it’s told.

But he reflected sadly,
Girls want more, and are not sold
On brave, courageous knights
Who will fight
For a woman.
This is how it’s told.

She said “remove your breeches
Courtly love is all too cold.
So many manners,
So little sex”.
He stammered for a reply.
This is how it’s told.

She left him like a wet fish on the bank,
Looking very far from bold.
Confused he dressed without delay
And asked “what just happened?”.
She replied “you are my third today!”
This is how its told.

If anyone should doubt this tale,
Of fallen men
And fallen girls,
Take heed and think again.
No bold knights,
No fair maids,
Simply men and women.