Marriage Plan

I know I can be difficult to manage. But that’s what makes a marriage. We are partners in time, Locked together. You watch my back, I will watch yours. Wherever we look, We don’t look at the score book. That’s a dangerous game. Love should be enough. If you wish more That’s a tough one. I can’t counsel. The only I know is self.

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I do not believe in god, But I believe in you. Do you believe in me? Something of a reprobate. Closest to Christ You will ever see Are all I have to offer. When angels fall They fall far. No relief, If there ever could. You are walking with me; Feet don’t touch the ground. The nails are waiting. I can’t hear a sound. But the cross is there Bare wood, leather bound. Now I have found My destiny. I love you.

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Took a woman for a date, But I arrived late, Apologising like a child. This was my fate. She said 'Don’t bother This place is great.' I took the menu; Let’s go wild, The most expensive Bottle of wine, That was fine. Then she became pensive; A matter of time I suppose. Are you for real? Just an idea you create Depending on your state of mind. I am the passenger.

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No Shame Or Blame

What tares like a passion Can drift; can lift two people apart. Who good heart But not meant to be. I know you are over me But where does that Leave me? Apportioning no blame The shame is mine. But since we were wed I stayed calm. This was not easy, And the charms of life I gave were bled The same. No questions asked, No answer required. I see the birds have fled. Going to sunnier climbs Instead.

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You go on track, Trying to go faster, Competing narratives. Ask you Will you last here? No. Speeding away From controversy, No no no. Climatic changes In our lives Leaves us strangers To truth, So we tell lies. A truth we cannot bear. And so we look And stare. At what? Did I forget? You meant something Or was I dreaming? Possibly. But always scheming.

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